Magda Khalil is passionate about the art of facilitation and creating expansion through leadership.

She thrives on success and the joy that it creates. Clients describe Magda as a natural connecter, a lateral thinker with a contagious enthusiasm that makes a difference. With a strong appreciation for business challenges, Magda is quick to discern both operational and strategic solutions.

Magda has more than 20 years experience working in human resource management and consulting across diverse industries. She is a strong advocate and developer of a strengths based approach for individual and team success. She incorporates her wisdom and flexibility as a result of being a disciplined meditator and a qualified yoga teacher.

Magda has a Bachelor of Law and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in political science. She holds a graduate certificate of Legal Practice and a Graduate Diploma of Human Resources.

A certified Gallup Strengths Coach and Founder of CONNECT 500 - Magda’s unique approach and depth of experience ensure that her clients achieve exponential success.

Happiness creates wealth in all ways.